Sunday, March 20, 2011


“No worries.” That’s what you will hear any Aussie utter, more often than not. And they not only say it – but mean it too. The laidback mentality and easy-going nature most Australians exhibit, seems to help them truly enjoy life.  EVEN when life isn’t so easy…I believe this is because of the strength of the communities here.

As floods, cyclones, and bushfires have ripped across this massive land, one after another – you’d think Aussies would be ready to throw in the towel. But instead of giving up, they have come together, each lending a hand – to step forward as one.

Throughout the last 6 months I have spent here, I have experienced astounding hospitality amongst the many Aussies that have befriended me. Many have taken me in, offering not only a place to rest my head, but laundry, internet, home-cooked meals, and the best of all – good company. The overwhelming generosity and kindness these people have showed me, has reminded me – just how lucky Iam.  At times I have felt very much a part of the communities I have landed myself in…which in turn has made me reflect on the other communities I am a part of.

Back home, my community is made up of many groups of people that I love and truly miss -  here in Australia. I miss hanging out with my dad & gathering with my family for the holidays and many birthdays that come throughout the year. I miss “soup night”, BBQ’s , backyard badminton, and meeting up with friends for a night out. I miss my weekly Monday dates that I watch House/Blazer’s games and play tennis with. I miss going to work at Hillsboro Parks & Recreation, catching up & laughing with co-workers, and being supported by them – and being there to support them.

With that being said – I still am not ready to come home, just not quite yet.

I recently began a job here (in Eildon, Victoria, Australia) with OEG, The Outdoor Education Group at their National Base, as a casual hand in the Operations Gear Shed. What that means is that I help pick, pack, and service gear, so that it is ready to go back out into the field on the many trips OEG runs. My day might consist of hanging wet life jackets up to dry, washing and folding over gear, packing tents, or searching through backpacks for both trash and forgotten treasures. It might not be the most glorious of jobs – but nevertheless is one, where I am learning a lot about outdoor education & recreational programming and where I am surrounded by great people. I have no doubt that my experience here will benefit me, as I continue to pursue a career in the outdoor education field.

Welcome to Eildon (population: 1,100)

The Outdoor Education Group, National Base is in Eildon, where I work

Top 5 things I love about Eildon/OEG:

1. Kangaroos often greet me upon my arrival at work.
2. Brilliantly colored birds (King Parrots & Cockatoos) roam my backyard
3. The diversity: I have friends here from the US, UK, Kenya, Brazil, and many other countries
4. To buy food, I must visit the Bakery, Veggie Stand, Butcher, and Market - to get all the essentials, as Eildon doesn't have a Supermarket
5. I have yet to meet an unfriendly person. Everyone introduces themselves, says hi, and are genuinely nice.

With my visa allowing me to work for OEG for up to 6 months, I could thus stay on thru July with them (I started in February). However with a PDX summer to look forward to and a job back with Parks for the summer, I plan to return home when the busy season is over here, and warm weather approaches in Portland.

Lake Eildon, at 80% full (highest it's been in 10 plus years)

Mesha walking around the Pondage home from work

The Goulburn River

The Eildon Pondage (great for fishing)

Mesha walking around the Pondage to work

I am still happy to be here and enjoying my adventure… I mean, its hard not to when I am surrounded by the beauty of Eildon in the great outdoors of Australia…

The Pondage as the sun sets

One thing that has made the difference over the past few weeks has been the community that I have now become a part of by working at OEG. I have made friends with my co-workers in the Shed and now love working. I have also moved in to one of the nicest houses in Eildon, which has offered me not only beautiful views of the pondage but roommates! Life is good. I especially like being able to cook again and look forward to getting back into baking as well. 

I will have to take some pictures of the house and post them soon...We have internet at the house now too, which makes it much easier to post, and keep in contact with all you. Yeah for being able to Skype again. 

I am blessed. 

 Much love to you all! - Cheers, Mesha